As a subsidiary of the Volvo Group, the leading international supplier of civilian heavy-goods vehicles and public transport solutions, Renault Trucks Defense is the French Army’s major supplier of land vehicles. Renault Trucks Defense has widely-acknowledged expertise – more than 30,000 military vehicles in operation worldwide – and its greatest success story remains the VAB. This 13-ton troop transport vehicle, around 5,000 of which have been sold in more than 25 countries, is still, some thirty years after being first commissioned, one of the main operational armoured vehicles deployed by the French Army. Renault Trucks Defense is now preparing to roll out a new generation of armoured vehicles with the VAB Mark3, a 20-ton troop transport vehicle, and the Sherpa, a 10-ton family of versatile armoured vehicles.


Renault Trucks Defense has facilities in more than 110 countries on all 5 continents. As a subsidiary of the Berliet and Renault partnership, Renault Trucks Defense has more than a hundred years’ experience in the land armament field and has always been a supplier of the French army. The FT17, the first ever tank to be mass-produced, took part in the major battles of the First World War and effectively contributed to the final victory. The name Renault was thereafter closely linked to all the campaigns and operations carried out by the French army.

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