The expertise of Panhard in the field of reconnaissance vehicles is acknowledged worldwide. Its flagship products, such as the VBL Light Armoured Vehicle, are used by the French Army in all its intelligence, patrol and liaison operations. 1,600 VBLs have been supplied to the French Army and 2,300 VBLs have been sold in 15 countries. The product line has also been extended with the delivery of more than 1,100 PVP light protected vehicles, a 4WD tactical liaison vehicle deployed in all operations, in particular in support engineering, artillery and logistics units. Panhard is also preparing the next generation of reconnaissance vehicles with the VBR and the CRAB, presented at the last Eurosatory exhibition. This vehicle, weighing less than 10 tons, carries a 25-mm or 30-mm tele-operated turret, and is a highly innovative concept that can be used to carry out all light cavalry operations.


Throughout its history, Panhard has produced a large number of reconnaissance vehicles which have left a strong mark on several generations of crews: as a supplier of armoured vehicles from the First
World War onwards and then scout vehicles (the AMD-178) on the eve of the Battle of France in the Second World War, Panhard has always supplied the French Army with armoured reconnaissance vehicles (EBR, AML, ERC), scout vehicles such as the VBL or liaison vehicles such as the PVP, which are now in service in all theatres of operations.

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